
Thursday, February 19, 2009

A rose can change a shade of blue…

Its amazing when strangers become friends, even more amazing when that friend turns out to be more than a friend but then the odds may be against you that suddenly that special friend becomes a stranger again….

In this world, we meet different people from all walks of life,and in various ways. But meeting these people is never an accident, there is always a purpose for it. Meeting them either turns out to be of great significance in ur life or otherwise. I myself have met few strangers who eventually became a very integral part of my life. Somehow, you nurture that person like some precious jewel. As you journey on, you find yourself driven to that person more and more, giving, revealing and sharing more about yourself and always thinking about the good welfare of that person. But it truly puzzles me when along the way things change; the seemingly sweet-tangy taste suddenly becomes sour and eventually leaving a bitter-pungent flavor. Its sad but I guess change is indeed inevitable, people change (some do it gradually while others do it drastically, its like a 360 degrees change) and i guess we are not that stupid not to notice that ….ouch! you may have thought that what you shared is something that they will also cherish….but no! things dont always turn out the way you expect them to be..if they choose to forget about you and the moments u shared or if they push you away, then just learn to accept it, it IS heartbreaking indeed but thats their choice they might want that CHANGE and a part of it probably doesnt include you, so dont fret…just move on…I guess one thing i have learned is never expect people to regard you the same way that you do…you MAY consider them special but in return they either consider you shit! learn to discern the signals they send and heed their call, so just take baby steps backwards then soon you’ll just find yourself drifting away….far far away…its hard to force yourself to someone who detests you, well maybe the time is not right, in the next lifetime perhaps?…..for now, i realized that a rose can change a shade of blue….sad…sad…sad….but its all a matter of respect and acceptance…With this I would like to leave u w/a wonderful quote about the people we meet…

” Those who appear in your life– whether to help or to harm — are all God given. Meet all of them with a peaceful heart, but with a warrior’s spirit.

You will fall many times, but in falling you will learn, and in learning you will find your way.

Remember, there are no mistakes in life–only lessons. And lessons will keep on repeating….until learned.”

1 comment:

  1. your posting is very good about A rose can change a shade of blue…
