
Thursday, January 14, 2010


Im back! well actually i was just forced to write a blog, a friend of mine kept nagging me to write a blog about rainbows, she wanted me to post it in fb but i opted to just write here as this was where I have always put my ridicules in writing….i dont know if I would make sense in this entry coz im quite a scattered brain at the moment, and my gosh of all topics, a rainbow?!? for cryin out loud I couldnt even recal the last time I saw a rainbow, anyway, i’l try my darnest best not to sound stupid and try to put some sense in it, so dear readers pardon me if sound silly here….lol

Well, we do know that rainbows appear after a storm and are a direct result of the refraction of light (like when the sun peeks through the clouds), they are often used to symbolize hope after a tragic event (like the loss of a loved one) or something more internal, like a deep inner struggle of some sort. (well sorry to say but I never had any inch of hope when i lost my loved ones) Anyway, they’ve been used throughout history to convey various messages, always positive due to their uplifting nature. They are often used as a symbol for good fortune, like in the popular Irish myth about the leprechaun and his pot of gold. In the Bible, the rainbow symbolizes God’s promise that the earth will never again be destroyed by a great flood. But I dont wanna delve into Bible issues as Im no bible scholar, that part i leave to my son, and in this case, its no like mother like son….lol ….says a lot huh??

Another popular use for the rainbow is to symbolize diversity. A rainbow occurs when a single beam of white light is separated in to its elemental colors, so it is a strong representation of people of all different backgrounds living in harmony with one another. Because it is a naturally occurring phenomena and every color is equally important in the composition, it emphasizes the idea that all people - regardless of where they come from or what they look like - are equal, and really just a “subsection” of one race - humanity

Sometimes the rainbow is used symbolically due to its intangible quality. It is human nature to want what we can’t have, so the short life of a rainbow adds to its allure. It is literally impossible to reach, but it holds such an ethereal beauty that people would seek it out anyway, perhaps with some fleeting hope of obtaining the impossible. It is true there are things in life which we think is hard or moreso impossible to obtain but a rainbow is there to keep us reminded that nothing is impossible with hope and sheer determination we CAN get there.

In life, perplexities, pain, loneliness, remorse are all inevitable. We go through these emotions at any given time, huh! talk about those, ive had a handful but I still went on, hell, I HAD to go on. I try to keep a happy disposition…..i repeat…I TRY! and just like the rainbow, sometimes we think that happiness hardly occurs, well I learned that everyday, we have the choice to live life fully its all in our hands. Never lose hope that after every loss(yup, now ive proven its true), a birth is soon to come….it comes in any form….and it happens at the right time just like the rainbow it is rarely seen but it shows at the right time. Live a life that makes a difference! Ciao!


  1. Hi Clandestine nice job with the rainbow. . also am reminded me of Joseph The Dreamer, although the bible described his robe as ornamented one the modern version described it as rainbow colored. It reminds me of Joseph character, his being forgiving towards his own siblings who tried to kill him, and the love of his father Jacob for his son Joseph.

  2. your posting is very good about Rainbow
